Rishabh Srivastava

Developer and Entrepreneur

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📓Full Stack Data
Open-source tools for end-to-end data applications. Launching soon
Loki [2017 - ] Founder and CEO
Realtime machine learning, dataviz, analytics, and scraping APIs
Popper [2020] Co-Founder and CEO
Automated data-driven content for news sites


FitCam [2019]
Real-time, on-device posture correction while exercising
More details (watch with sound on)
Using satellite imagery, vehicle registration data, and sector-specific data to track economic growth in developing countries
Predicting Indian users' gender, ethnicity, age, religion, and affluence from name strings
Pollniti [2019]
Tracking Indian elections and economy (haven't updated this in a while)
Human Image Classifier [2018]
Predicting users' gender, body type, facial features (beards, glasses etc), ethnicity, and age from their images
More details (give it a couple of seconds to load)
Quiztra [2014]
Adaptive math e-learning for students